
Queer love

Conference and Workshop

Latest date

7 October 2017 - San José


Queer love

 David M. Halperin

Queer theory has had something to say about sex, but until recently it has had almost nothing to say about love.  Love has seemed too intimately bound up with institutions and discourses of the “normal,” too deeply embedded in standard narratives of romance, to be available for “queering.”  Moreover, because love has so often served to consecrate the kinds of social relations that are already approved and admired, it has posed a persistent problem for queers.   Queers have not had access to love, either as a representation or as a form of life, except at the expense of their own queerness.  The recent emergence of same-sex marriage has compounded this situation.  Marriage may seem to offer queers an entirely legitimate, ready-made vehicle for expressing and formalizing their love, but it does so by denying everything about their love that is queer.   In this context, it may be useful to return to some literary texts composed, or set, more than half a century ago when gay male love was still irredeemably queer—when its (identitarian) definition as gay as well as its representability as love had yet to become unproblematically presumable.  Not that I am nostalgic for the Bad Old Days of homophobia and the closet.  Rather, I am interested in exploring the ethico-political work that queer love was once able to do and might be able to do again, if it could be rescued from the self-evidence, the normalizing despecification, of “love is love” and other such formulas of “marriage equality.”  Once we recover an aliveness, a sensitivity to the queerness of gay male love, that is, we can come to see its inchoate expressions as ethico-political impulses, as forms of tactical resistance to the standardization of emotional life in contemporary society and to the agencies (political and ideological) that attempt to guide, shape, and routinize modern practices of love, intimacy, and personal association.   

and Workshop

La poética cultural de la homosexualidad

en San José de Costa Rica


David M. Halperin, Cómo ser gay, Ed. tirant humanidades, Valencia, 2016, tr. Andrés Cotarelo Jiménez.

David Halperin, San Foucault, Para una hagiografía gay, Ed. Cuadernos de Litoral, 2000, Córdoba.

David M. Halperin, “El clóset de la homosexualidad”, Revista Me cayó el veinte número 27, Ciudad de México, pp 127-156.

David Halperin, Michel Foucault, Jean Le Bitoux, and the Gay Science Lost and Found: An Introduction, en Internet.

Michel Foucault, “La amistad como modo de vida”, entrevista con Jean Le Bitoux, en Internet.

Michel Foucault,”El triunfo social del placer sexual”, [Entrevista con Gilles Barbedette, 1981. En Michel Foucault: La inquietud por la verdad. Escritos sobre la sexualidad y el sujeto, Siglo XXI editores, 2013.

Neil Bartlett, Listo para sostenerle si se cae, Ed. Egales, Barcelona, 2003.


Lugar:   Sala del Hotel Ave del Paraíso, a la par del restaurante Kracovia. Circunvalación 50m Norte de la facultad de Derecho U.C.R, San José, San Pedro, Costa Rica.

Horario: De 18h a 21h viernes 6 de octubre de 2017.

De 9h30 a 12h30 y de 14h30 a 18h, sábado 7 de octubre de 2017

Participación en los gastos: 55.000 colones, público en general, 25.000 colones, estudiantes.

All dates

  • 6 October 2017

    7 October 2017